Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Discussion Group – June 2022

The Discussion Group met on Monday 13th June to talk about immigration, refugees and asylum; certainly a topical, if difficult subject. I usually try and have a few facts to hand, and presented the UN definition of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, but explained that numbers relating to the UK were often difficult to interpret. About 13,000 people were granted asylum in the UK last year, and about 65% of initial asylum claims were successful, with further successful on appeal. Since 2006 net migration figures to the UK have been between 200,000 and 300,000 per year. Unsuccessful asylum seekers, perhaps 5,000 people a year appear to form a very small part of net migration to the UK.

Some concern was expressed as to the resources put in place both to prevent illegal migration and to deal with the removal of the quite small number of people whose claims fail. It appears that neither prevention or removal is particularly successful. It was felt that legislating, for example to push boats back, or move people to Rwanda for assessment would only affect a very small number, if any, and spending time and money in this way was ineffective. It seemed better to try and disrupt people trafficking, accepted as a particularly evil crime, but that otherwise we should concentrate on managing the current situation.

We spent a lot of time discussing issues only loosely associated with the topic, which only seemed to highlight the connectivity of so many issues. The matter of housing and other facilities, particularly health, necessary for an influx of 200,000 people a year was mentioned, together with those required to humanely look after asylum seekers. We all agreed, I think, that there are no easy solutions.

Michael Heyden Convenor.

Please note that the views expressed by the Discussion Group may not represent those of the wider Dawlish and District membership.