How to join Dawlish & District u3a
Joining Dawlish & District u3a is easy. Either come along to one of our monthly meetings and speak to a committee member or simply complete our membership form online here. Existing members who wish to renew their membership can do so here.
Our annual subscription, covering the year April to March, is only £15. This covers attendance at our meetings and as many interest groups as you wish to join, you may even want to start a new one and share you interests with others? It also covers public liability insurance and a regular publication: Third Age Matters, a national magazine. Additionally, we do ask for a contribution to refreshments, £1.50 at our monthly meetings, and a small contribution for refreshments to those hosting interest group meetings at their own homes.
Undoubtedly, membership has its benefits as our members will confirm and as further highlighted by a recent national survey (Dec 2019). Being a member of u3a improves social life, broadens and enhances interests, increases knowledge and understanding, and builds new interests. In so doing, we benefit as individuals and as a group. Take a look at our current interest groups and guest speaker programme, you’re bound to find meetings and activities you will enjoy, perhaps you might enjoy sharing your own interests even if they are not already listed.
To join Dawlish & District u3a, you will be asked to complete our Membership Application Form which has been revised to meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The only organisation that has access to the names and postal addresses of our members is the company which oversees the distribution of the Third Age Trust magazines. If as an existing member you wish to unsubscribe from receiving the Third Age Trust magazines, at any time, all you need to do is contact the Membership Secretary via the email below.
Membership Application forms are available online or at our monthly meetings.