Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What did you do in lockdown?

All organisations have an archive.  Dawlish and District U3A have one that at present consists of minutes of meetings, group accounts and other information.   We now have a unique opportunity to add to that archive.

We have all found different ways of getting through the past few months – painting, gardening, writing, sewing, studying, the list is endless, and it will be a pity if all our achievements go unrecorded.  We have a team ready to assemble your contributions into a collective U3A record.

Your submissions are not expected to be lengthy written accounts but simply descriptions and/or photographs of your experiences of lockdown.  These, for example, might feature your garden, craft work, sewing projects, short stories, accounts of podcasts followed, culinary achievements, paintings, new wines discovered, new walks discovered – whatever has been important to you over the last few months.

Please send your contributions to: enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info, marked for the attention of Barbara Warburton who is coordinating this project.