Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Weekly Zoom quiz

U3A members enjoying Zoom quizYou can see how the quizzers enjoyed last Monday evening’s quiz. However, were the smiles on the faces before or after the results were given out?
For the first quiz there were 14 participants and last Monday, 17.
So how is it run? There are 6 rounds, each of 10 questions. The quiz starts at 7pm for 40 minutes (zoom time allowed) with 3 rounds and a break of 15 minutes then the second set of questions.
Everyone is muted whilst the questions are read out. After the first three rounds Graham gives the answers and people just tick their own sheet. The same for the next 3 rounds. At the end of the quiz, everyone is asked to send their results for each round by email to Graham. Graham then compiles a list of who has won each round and the overall 3rd, 2nd and 1st place. This said, no scores are revealed at all even in the feedback. Only the quiz master knows what you have scored and he does not divulge anything.
Over the past two weeks a whole range of subjects have been covered including inventors and inventions, songs from the musicals, general knowledge, fictional doctors, catchphrases, the Captains of ships and a few others that have also been covered.
It is easy to join on Zoom and Graham intends to hold a quiz each Monday evening and when lockdown is finally over will start a Zoom quiz interest group.
Please let Graham know if you would like to attend by emailing him on enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info. He will give you the ID number and password for the quiz.
Let’s hope we can continue to increase the numbers as we know that quite a few of you like quizzes.