Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – March 2020

Message from Graham Carey, Chair: Dawlish & District U3A

Dear fellow U3A members,

Like the rest of the world, we are facing rapidly developing changes due to the spread of the coronavirus. We realise that this is the worst public health crisis in our lifetime. As governments around the world adjust their approach to the virus so on a local level our U3A group has needed to make adjustments. Thank you for your understanding regarding the cancelling of our March meeting; John Polley will be happy to come to us some time next year. The committee has also decided to cancel April’s meeting and I have already informed the speaker. We realise as well that our AGM might not go ahead as scheduled and so we will keep you informed of further developments. Indeed, things will continue to move quite quickly.

Let me reassure you that our National Office is taking this outbreak very seriously and your safety and well being and our duty of care is of paramount importance to us. It goes without saying that our actions will now and in the future comply with National and Local Authority Government and Health Agencies. At the time of writing the current advice from our National Office is to stop non-essential contact with others and adopt social distancing. Those in ‘at risk’ groups are to be shielded from social contact for 12 weeks. People who should take particular care to minimise social contact are, among others, people over the age of 70.

This said, the committee has asked that all groups should cease meeting forthwith and until further notice. If groups wish to continue to meet they do so at their own volition and risk but cannot do so under the banner of Dawlish & District U3A. There would be no insurance cover either.

Please keep safe and keep smiling; together we will get through this and come out stronger.

With kind regards – Graham (24 March 2020)

Further information
Local U3A activity:

Members of Dawlish and District U3A are finding novel ways to keep in touch without infringing the social distancing rules.  Please see here for further information on current group activity.

From U3A National Office:

U3A UK has promised to provide regular updates here.
In this post they describe some of the ways members can stay social and connected.

Local help:

Dawlish Town Council and other organisations have put together this leaflet for the local community.  They note that since the situation is changing day by day, we should refer to the website https://helpingdawlish.co.uk/ for the latest information.

From Devon County Council:

Coronavirus advice in Devon.

Advice on scams from Trading Standards.

From Devon and Cornwall Police:

Uncertain about the new laws and obligations relating to Coronavirus?  Devon and Cornwall Police have put together some FAQs.

From the government:

UK Government action and advice has been changing rapidly in response to the development of the pandemic.  The latest position is described here.

From the NHS:

The NHS has also published very straightforward guidelines here.



Date last updated: 26/05/2020