Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Strollers Social Walking Group – February/March 2022

Our February Strollers walk almost became D&D u3a Adventure group two when we lost the intended track in Decoy Park!

We found ourselves on a very muddy path we didn’t really recognise. Thankfully, Michael led us on via a different route and soon we were back to where we should have been, after we’d navigated a lot of mud!

There were nine of us: six arrived on the train and three by car, plus we had apologies from another nine who were unable to join us.  The weather was good, the walk strenuous in places, but fun and enjoyed by all thankfully.

Our March 10th walk will be mostly on the flat. We’re hoping that some of the other 20+ registered Strollers might join us as the spring weather improves, so we’ve chosen a less strenuous walk to tempt them.

We plan to catch the number 2 Exeter bus leaving Teignmouth WH Smith bus stop at 12.10pm and Dawlish at 12.25pm, to the bus stop nearest Sainsbury’s at Dawlish.

Our walking route will start by the nearby stream, walking along the footpath to Dawlish Warren then walking on the footpath by the railway line to  Cockwood Harbour. We will have a refreshment stop at either the Anchor Inn or the Ship Inn then, depending on the time and weather, we’ll catch the bus back home from either Cockwood Harbour or Cofton holiday camp.

If you have any questions about joining the Strollers for our next walk then please contact Jean via enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info.

Jean Gitsham, Convenor