Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Singing Group in need of convenor

Following several requests from u3a members, I have been trying to create a Singing group.

Although there was a reasonable amount of initial interest, the first two meetings weere poorly attended. However, those that did attend were very keen but we have not been able to find anyone to lead the group forward.

The room at the Methodist Church Brunswick place is booked for one more meeting, on 12th April at 12.30.

For the group to continue we will need someone to come forward that is capable of leading in some way; a keyboard player would be a good start.

If you think you can help get this group off the ground, Tuesday 12th is your chance.

I will be taking along a couple of old vinyls, and if no one comes forward, I will be brutally subjecting whoever is there to my rendition of “Combine harvester” from The Wurzels.

Can you come and save the day?

Temporary convenor of what may unfortunately be a temporary singing group.