Tuesday, July 16, 2024

In Our Own Write – March/April 2023

We had our last meeting on 13th March when the topic was “The Newcomer” and as usual we had totally different stories. One was about coming as newcomers to the town including joining U3a; another a cat being ousted by a newcomer to the household; a woman reluctantly joining a slimming class; and a family clearing out their mother’s possessions after her death finding an old picture of a strange baby .

This triggered a conversation about early memories with Ruth telling us that as a young child during the war her father took her to a hilltop and pointed out the red sky on the horizon that was Portsmouth burning after being heavily bombed. She had so many tales to tell that we felt she should record her memories down for her family to read.

We all may have memories of a carefree childhood where you packed a picnic, headed off with friends into the woods and came home in time for tea, unlike the children of today. The talk of Liberty bodices, trudging through snowdrifts to school  rationing, etc made us decide that our next topic would be Memories, either real or invented.

Who knows, perhaps everyone will have a stab at writing their own life story for future generations to share?

The date of our next meeting will be Tuesday 11th April from 2-4 pm rather than the Monday due to the Easter holiday.

Best Wishes,


P.S. I helped my own mother write her own life story about growing up in rural Lancashire on a farm on Pendle Hill and gave all her grandchildren a copy.