
Page Turners – September 2022 review

In September the Page Turners met to discuss ‘I Found You‘ by Lisa Jewell. This is a psychological thriller published in 2016.

We enjoyed the book and it was definitely a page-turner as most had read it quite quickly, feeling engaged with the characters and the story and anxious to find out what happened. However, unusually for us, we didn’t find a lot in the book to discuss. We agreed that the book was well organised with scenes from the past interspersed with the story to explain the unfolding events and the characters were well described. We briefly wondered what we would do if we found a man on the beach who had lost his memory. Would we invite him into our home as Alice did in the book?

We would recommend this as a good read when you want something not too challenging to take on holiday.

Our discussion turned to more meaty issues such as the future of the monarchy and as always the world was well and truly put to rights.

Deborah Wallis, Convenor