Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Page Turners – March 2022

At the Page Turners recent meeting we were pleased to welcome one new member but also saddened to hear that another friend will be leaving us when she moves away.

The book for discussion was ‘All the Light we Cannot See‘ by Anthony Doerr. This winner of the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction follows the stories of a young blind French girl and a German boy growing up in the Second World War. Events in the story led us to draw parallels with the events unfolding in Europe now and gave us some interesting discussion.

One member did not enjoy the subject matter of the book and chose not to finish it but the majority enjoyed it, although some found it over-long. Some favoured the structure of very short chapters while others found this disruptive.

The general consensus was that the book was very well researched and gave a moving view of the times and the lives of the characters. There were vivid descriptions in the book which moved us greatly although the writer avoids describing some of the most violent incidents in detail.

This book was recommended by a member who rates it as one of her all-time favourites but, as with previous reads, some members would not have considered reading it if it were not for the group. We value the opportunity to explore in this way and look forward to the variety to come.

Our next meeting will be on 31st March when we will be discussing ‘Trust Me‘ by T M Logan. We will also be choosing our titles for future months. The April book is supposed to be ‘The Reading List‘ by Sara Nisha Adams but it is likely that we will defer that until it is available in paperback and read other recommendations first.

For further information or if you are interested in joining our group please contact the convenor, Deborah Wallis via enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info.

Deborah Wallis