Tuesday, July 16, 2024

New date and time for AGM 2022

From our Chair:

Dear Member

Following the postponement of the AGM on 19th September, I am pleased to inform you that the AGM will now take place at 2.30pm on Monday 17th October in Rooms 4a and 4b at the Manor House.  The AGM will take place immediately before our scheduled monthly meeting which follows at 3.30pm in the Council Chamber.  Refreshments will be available after the AGM, as well as at the end of the monthly meeting.

All the papers were published for the original meeting, and are unchanged for this rescheduled meeting.  I hope you will be able to attend both meetings on 17th October.  It is important that we have a quorum of 20% of our membership for the AGM which means I am looking forward to seeing at least 30 members.

Yours sincerely

John Vick
