Tuesday, July 16, 2024

In Our Own Write – March 2023

We had a very entertaining meeting of our creative writing group on Monday 13th February, welcoming another new member.

The topic was “A moment that changed my life” and again it is amazing just how diverse the short stories were. We had a kidnapping; a widower finding love again after volunteering at a Christmas event; a woman afraid of flying doing a wing walk; and how the purchase of an inexpensive gift voucher led to winning an expensive car.

Two other members produced alternative work with the true story of a feral cat finding a safe haven to give birth and also a story about a lone woman who seemed to have survived some event which made you want to find out more.

Our next meeting is on Monday 13th March from 2-4 p.m. when  the topic will be “The newcomer”.

Best Wishes,

Travina White, Convenor

Note:  Unfortunately, the In Our Own Write group is now at capacity and unable to take new members.  If you would like to join a new creative writing group please contact Barry Baker, the Groups Coordinator for further information.