Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gardens and Gateaux trip to Torre Abbey

A return visit to the gem that is Torre Abbey provided a varied tapestry of plants such as roses, early dahlias and vibrant fuchsias.  Agatha Christie’s Potent Plants garden includes sources for cyanide (smells of bitter almonds), morphine (some delightful fringed poppies) and highly toxic ricin (castor oil plant) – beware!

The Medieval Garden is undergoing refurbishment so the willow tunnels and authentic planting was only visible from outside the plot.

Unfortunately, the day of our visit coincided with a wedding being held in the afternoon, so the Spanish Barn (so called because it held 397 prisoners from the Spanish Armada) and currently the temporary home of the café – was closed for the celebrations. However, we made the best of the dry and warm weather by plundering muffins from the snack bar in reception and holding an impromptu picnic in the gardens, accompanied by scent from the lavender hedges and much laughter arising from Christine’s tales of exploits from her working life and memories from a World War II childhood.

The wedding ceremony was due to take place in the Palm House, (built in 1969,) which was being brushed and tidied for the event – so we got to see it looking pristine and beautiful. I imagine that the atmospheric abbey ruins would make for an interesting and different set of wedding photographs for the guests to reminisce over in later years.

Amongst the many treasures inside the house were the miniature paintings bequeathed by the collector, Mr Shrub of Ashley Court, Tiverton, accompanied by his portrait.

Whilst restoration of this Ancient Scheduled Monument is currently underway, there was still plenty to see and enjoy.

The G&G meeting next month will take place on Tuesday, 9 July 2024, in the Strand Hall, at 12:30 when we will discuss an outing to the Shaldon Botanical Gardens by bus on Friday, 19th of July.

Jenny Lancaster