Tuesday, July 16, 2024

French conversation – July/August 2021

At July’s meeting the topic was the worst and best meal you’ve ever had.  Everyone had done their homework!

We had one person’s horror on her first visit here at the age of ten. She is French. She woke to a terrible smell… it turned out to be an English breakfast!

We also heard about a visit to a hotel in Exeter for afternoon tea where the guests were put in a sort of sitting room with a low table which was dusty.  They were then served with scones which were rock hard.

Someone also had pizza for the first time and that too was rock hard.

We had an experience of steak tartare which came as a huge shock as it is raw mince with raw egg on top; a horrible shepherd’s pie; a delicious enormous fish; rabbit stew and a great meal at Gidley Park.

We now meet weekly on Thursdays at 10.30am, alternating between Zoom and a member’s home.

Bridie Cushion