Tuesday, July 16, 2024

French Conversation – February/March 2022

The French Conversation group has reverted to zoom because of the recent rise in infections. A couple in our group don’t like zoom but we also have some who are uncomfortable meeting indoors so we have zoomed! When things settle down we can review this.

At the first meeting in February we each talked about a favourite book or film or TV series.  Offerings included Hamnet, Where the Crawdads sing, the film “Heat of the Night”, the Richard Osmond book, “The Thursday Murder Club” and “Keeping up with the Aristocrats”.

At the second, the topic was “If you could go back and learn something that you now wish you had learned such as a sport, a skill or whatever what might it be?” Contributions included learning the piano or a musical instrument, training to sing, learning and speaking more languages, learning economics, learning how to ride a bike, to ski and DIY. it was rather sad to hear some of the regrets!

Bridie Cushion, Convenor