Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Christmas lunch a great success

What a lovely way to end our u3a programme in 2023!  The Christmas Lunch was a great success, and we all owe the organiser, Khim Sim, our considerable thanks – not to mention admiration for the many hours of tireless work she put into this project over a great many weeks.  Well over 50 members attended, and it is clear from all the photos that they had a really enjoyable time.  It makes me wonder why we have not had a Christmas lunch in previous years, but now we are launched I think this will become a regular feature of our programme.

Anyone who has ever organised an event of this sort and on this scale will have some idea of how many phone calls, emails, lists, messages to the caterers, publicists and who knows what else this entails.  Khim Sim did this with her customary energy and efficiency – and good humour, and it all went without a hitch.

I just hope Khim Sim was able to enjoy it herself!  She certainly deserved a good time.

John Vick

Chair of Dawlish & District u3a