Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Burns Night 2024

Burns Night, 6.30pm on Saturday 27th January 2024, Strand Centre

As most of us are digesting our turkey and Christmas pudding, and even contemplating a Dry January, others are turning their thoughts to further culinary delights such as haggis, neeps and tatties – and whisky!  Yes, Burns Night is on the horizon, and Khim Sim is encouraging us to get involved.

As has happened in recent years, there will be a Burns Night celebration at the Strand Centre (32 The Strand, Dawlish) on Saturday 27th January.  The celebration of the birthday of Scotland’s National Poet, Robert Burns, will be a couple of days later than the ‘correct’ date but that is not really a problem.

I enjoyed the occasion last year (possibly a little too much?) and am looking forward to going again.  Further details will be available nearer the time but in true Strand Centre fashion it is sure to be very relaxed and informal – and great fun!  Guests are welcome to come dressed for the occasion but kilts will not be obligatory!  There is sure to be a piper, and a stirring rendition of Burns’ Address to a Haggis, but I am not sure whether there will be dancing.  There will be plenty to eat but haggis, neeps and tatties will not be the only treats on the menu, and I believe guests are asked to bring their own liquid refreshment, whisky, wine or whatever you prefer.

Khim Sim has reserved a table for 10-15 members and any guests.  She says:

“It is £5 per ticket so please go to the Strand Centre to pay and get your tickets.There had been too many no shows in previous events so food was wasted.Please email to enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info of your attendance so I can keep a record of attendees for the month.You can pay to Paul at the Strand Centre from the first week of January 2024.”

For those who are not familiar with the work of the Strand Centre and the important and distinctive role it plays in the life of the Dawlish community, here is a link to its website for you to learn more:  The Strand Centre.  It really as a good cause and benefits us all.

John Vick

Updated 28/12/23 with additional booking information from Khim Sim