Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Boules – August/September 2022

The Boules Group have met twice in August. Our first meeting, at the boules terrain in Exminster was at the height of the heatwave, and we were glad of some shade on one side. In contrast, our second, on the Lawn in Dawlish, looked as if it was going to rain at any moment, without actually doing so. It was remarkable, after Carnival week and a couple of days when we have had a little rain, to see green starting to come back to the Lawn already.

And so I have every hope of playing on lush grass on Friday 9th September, and a final session at Exminster on Wednesday 28th September. Hopefully we shall get in one or two more games in October, before retreating to the Strand Centre to play our own version of indoor boules over the winter months. Everyone welcome, no experience or equipment needed.

Michael Heyden  Convenor