Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Art Appreciation – February/March 2022

For the February meeting members were invited to choose any work of art on the theme of Work and Industry and talk about it for a few minutes. A very interesting variety of pictures and artists was selected, including Stanhope Forbes from the Newlyn Group, the Soviet artist Aleksandr Samolkhvalov, Jean-Francois Millet, Stanley Spencer, Edward Poynter, Ford Madox Brown and Laura Knight.

We saw fishing, the building of the Moscow Metro, a munitions factory in WW2, backbreaking work in the fields by 19th century French women, Israelite slaves in Egypt, Irish navvies building the London sewers, shipyard workers on the Clyde and the furnaces at Coalbrookdale in the early days of the Industrial Revolution.

The March meeting will be at our new regular meeting date of the second Tuesday in the month at 2pm on 8th March in the Mayor’s Parlour of the Manor House. We have decided to have another ‘themed’ meeting when members are invited to select a work of art and talk about it for 5-10 minutes. The chosen theme is ‘Food’. This can be interpreted as broadly as members like, and may include still life, cooking, eating, food production etc, and come from any period and medium.

If you would like to know more about the Art Appreciation Group, and perhaps have a taster session, please get in touch with Lynne Vick by emailing enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info.

Lynne Vick