Saturday, July 27, 2024

Adventure group – Medieval Exeter tour

Now for something completely different: a guided tour of Medieval Exeter.

Here are the details:

Nature of activity Medieval Exeter guided tour by Exeter Redcoat Guide
Name of u3a organiser and organiser’s contact details Carolyn Hartley, email via:
Location of activity Around Exeter city centre.
Date and start time To be confirmed.
It will be
Wednesday, 14th August, 2024 @ 11:00
Monday, 26th August, 2024 @ 14:00
Starting point Richard Hooker Statue, Cathedral Green, Exeter.
Finishing point Richard Hooker Statue, Cathedral Green, Exeter.
Duration Approx 1.5 hours
Cost There is no cost other than for optional refreshments after the walk.
Deadline for commitment Please notify Carolyn of your availability for the two dates by Wednesday, 7th August. Please say both if you are able. This will enable her to determine the final choice of date.
Cancellation policy Unless there are extreme weather conditions the guided tour will take place as planned.
Procedure for notifying group if provider cancels In the event of cancellation Carolyn will send an email to all those who have booked and update the details on the website.
Please check the website on the morning of the activity in case of last minute cancellation.
Level of fitness required or any particular skills (you must satisfy yourself that you are physically able to participate in the activity). Ability to walk up to 2.5 miles around Exeter City Centre on various surfaces.
Personal medical conditions If you have any medical conditions that might affect your ability to complete the walk then you should declare this to the organisers on arrival.
Disclaimer Please note that whilst the u3a organisers are concerned for everyone’s welfare, by taking part in this activity you should recognise that your safety is your own responsibility.
Appropriate footwear & clothing Weather-suitable everyday clothing, including a hat and sunscreen if appropriate;  comfortable walking shoes or boots.
Toilet / refreshment facilities Public toilets can be found in the Guildhall Shopping Centre.
Refreshments are available in many local cafes.
Public transport and car parking facilities Regular trains and buses run between Teignmouth, Dawlish and Exeter.
If you are travelling by car we encourage car sharing. Parking is available at Matford Park and Ride and in various city centre locations.
Risk assessment A risk assessment has been conducted. It is our view that the risks associated with this activity are consistent with everyday activity. We simply advise participants to take care.

Any questions? Just get in touch via email:

Image credit: ВвласенкоCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Last updated 26/07/2024