Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure Group activities for 2024

At our group meeting in January we discussed and voted on a total of 47 possible adventures for this year.  Based on the outcome of this meeting and the votes of a few group members who were unable to attend, your convenors have come up with the following list of activities for 2024.  We should stress that this is not a definitive list, because sometimes events or the weather conspire to force us to change our plans, but hopefully it will give you a flavour of what’s to come.

In selecting the adventures, we took account of the following:

  • the number of member votes for the activity
  • whether an activity fulfilled the Adventure group mission to “offer to Dawlish & District u3a members the opportunity to try out new and challenging activities together”
  • the appropriateness of the activity for the season (for example, indoor activities for winter)

We have also tried to include a good variety of different types of activity and a range of prices.

Drum roll please…

January 24th Tai Chi Miggie
February 23rd and 29th Archery Miggie
March 11th Manor House Hotel Miggie
April Football golf Deborah
May 1st Brixham Fish Market tour Deborah
June Paddleboarding Carolyn
July Gliding Deborah
August Exeter treasure hunt Carolyn
September Vineyard tour and wine tasting Carolyn
October Orienteering at Killerton Park Miggie
November Dark sky experience Deborah
December Clip ‘n’ Climb Miggie

As usual, full details of each month’s adventure will put on the website when they are available and Adventure Group members will be notified by email.

Carolyn, Deborah and Miggie, Convenors