Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Yee Haw! Adventure group go line dancing

Another fine adventure this month – line dancing. We all entered into the spirit of things even if we were unsure of the requisite skills; some even wearing the appropriate garb for such occasions: hat, shirt, boots, jeans. Our line management may not have been the best, straggled as we were around the dance studio floor, but there was at least some semblance of two or three lines!

The instructor, Molly, seemed quite impressed with our performance (was she being polite? It didn’t matter, we were having fun!) of the four dances she tried to teach us as we stepped forward, to the side, backward and to the other side, heading to the four walls of the studio around us. Exclamations of “Yee haw!”, or whatever they say, were sadly absent but we did have a clap of hands in one of our movements.

Everyone did really well but, I for one, had to butt out part way through to gather my wits – my legs had decided to ignore my head (wisely) as I tried to give them commands to the left rather than right, forward, rather than backward – thus avoiding the obvious consequences of unintended collisions. I was soon back on the floor again but wondering how do they all do it in “Strictly”?

We all had a great time strutting our stuff – then limping home! No that’s not true, we all had a great time, a spring in our step and a smile on our lips as we made our way back to our various modes of transport, congratulating ourselves on another adventure conquered!

David Pickton