Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The u3a spirit of adventure

We know members of the u3a are keen to try new activities and if you are feeling adventurous this new Dawlish and District group is for you.

Launching in September, the Adventure Group proposes to offer u3a members the opportunity to have a go at a range of challenging activities, for example kayaking, a climbing wall, archery, paddle boarding, zip lining, scuba diving, wing walking [only kidding, well maybe not!].

You are invited to a planning meeting on Friday 10th September at 3pm, where interested D & D u3a members will be provided with more details and asked to contribute to the formation of this new group. We will discuss how the group will operate, agree our preferred activities for the next few months, decide on frequency and how we will organise our planned adventures. It is likely many of the activities will be undertaken using local, professional activity providers to ensure our safety and wellbeing, and to allow us to access the benefits of knowledgeable instruction and support.

Interested? Please join us at the September planning meeting. Register your interest with Miggie Pickton, via email to enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info by Monday 6th September.

We will confirm the venue for the meeting nearer the time; it will be a Dawlish location and outdoors if the weather permits.

** Update: Since the forecast is showing that rain is likely, the group will meet at 4a Lower Meadow Rise, Dawlish EX7 9BX.

Please being your ideas for activities to our planning meeting. If you have always wanted to abseil with like-minded adventurers, now is your chance!