Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Strollers Social Walking Group – November 2022

Our next Dawlish & District u3a Strollers walk is on Thursday November 10th.

It is a level circular off road/footpath walk from Jetty Marsh to Locksbridge Tea Garden at Teigngrace on the Templer Way. I have checked ahead and the tearooms will be open for our refreshment stop.

We will be catching the number 2 Newton Abbot bus which leaves Dawlish at 12.32pm and Teignmouth at 12.47pm.  Buses back leave Newton Abbot at 2 & 32 minutes past the hour.

New walkers are very welcome to come along with us to enjoy the stroll and meet up with fellow u3a members. Also, members are most welcome to bring along a guest with them.

Jean Gitsham
Strollers Coordinator/walk leader