Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Quiz group – June/July 2023

Our one and  only quiz in June marked the 100th time we met as a group since its inception; some time during the COVID lockdown.

Despite a few quizzers being away, three teams battled it out, answering questions on The Middle East, General Knowledge, Birds of Prey, British Prime Ministers, Saints and Water. The teams’ total scores indicated that top of the class were the British PMs. However the knowledge of the Middle East was the weakest link.

Here’s a question from each round and I wonder if you would have known that…

  • The southernmost country of the Arabian peninsula is Yemen
  • The unlucky number in China is 4
  • The Peregrine Falcon is able to exceed 242mph when diving in a hunt
  • Harold Wilson was struck in the eye by a stink bomb in 1969
  • St Luke is the patron saint of doctors
  • The WD in WD40 stands for Water Displacement

We hope to be able to continue the quiz throughout  the summer months and next quizzes are scheduled for Mondays 10th and 24th July.

Graham Carey, Convenor and Quizmaster