Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Quiz group – January/February 2023

The group stared off the New Year with a quiz on  9th January.  From the feedback it was evident that everyone had sobered up from the New Year parties as the Remember 2022 round was the best score. The other rounds focused on How old are they?, Crosses, Lloyds, General Knowledge and the hot topic of Unions.

The group members found it so hard to discern the age of the ten people I mentioned and would you have guessed the age of Brian May from Queen or the actor Colin Firth? From the other subjects, would you have correctly answered how many underground lines go through King’s Cross station or in which city Lloyds Bank was founded?

Our second quiz was held on the 23rd and we tackled questions on Gardens, Aunts and Uncles, First names, Sport 1 to 10, General Knowledge and A Fox hunt.

Being such an athletic group, it was no wonder the Sport round gained the most points. However, the worst round for everyone was the first names subject. Would you have known Bear Grylls real first name and also that of Noddy Holder from Slade? Or how about Buzz Aldrin?

Those of you who are keen gardeners may know which King brought the fashion for long straight canals in gardens to England. When it came to Uncles and Aunties we mentioned the Who’s rock opera ‘Tommy’. So who was the wicked Uncle? The fox hunt included the  gem of a quote from ?  ’Fox hunting is the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable’.

The next quizzes will be on the 6th and 27th February. Any one is welcome to join in the fun.

Graham Carey, Convenor and Quizmaster