Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Quiz group – February/March 2023

Before we adopted the Latin name for our second month, old English used much more vibrant names to describe the month now known as February. The most common Old English name was Solmonath, which literally means “mud month.”

A lesser-used term was Kale-monath, which meant “cabbage month.” Perhaps, the medieval English were eating a lot of cabbage in February? Strange. Well before you ask, there are no cabbage heads in the quiz group and no members were stuck in the mud when it came to answering the questions in the two quizzes that took place; on the Alpha and Omega Mondays of February; 6th and the 27th.

The six round of questions on the 6th centred round  Capital rivers, Islands of the world, Fast foods, Jewellery, Modern Classics and General knowledge.

Three jokers were played in the Capital rivers round and only one in the Jewellery round. However, Jewellery came out as the best subject. In fact four teams had their best score in that round. They are obviously used to diamonds and gold.

Modern classics was bottom of the class  and I suggested that the group members took a trip to the library to borrow a few books. We mentioned titles such as ‘The road’, ‘The kite runner’ ‘Westworld’,  ‘Fear and Loathing’. So which four authors wrote those books?

After a three week break to recharge the batteries the group admirably answered the set questions; this time on General Knowledge, All you need is love, Murrays, It happened in February, Mr. Shakespeare and What’s the occupation? Another sixty questions answered, more facts gleaned; the outcome was that the best score was in the ‘It happened in February round’. However, poor old Will may be turning in his grave as Mr Shakespeare was by far the weakest link. Perhaps more attention should have been paid to the English Literature teacher.

Do you know many times the Beatles used the word love in their songs or what the occupation of a Vulcan in times gone by is called now? In the Murray round, the quizzers were asked in what year did the Murray mints too good to hurry mints, arrive on the UK confectionery market?

It was another evening of fun, with a full house of quizzers participating. The quizzes in March will be held on the 13th and 27th March. Then on the 10th and 24th April. The 10th of April is Easter Monday and hopefully there will be  sufficient players around that evening.

Graham Carey, Convenor and Quizmaster