Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Philosophy and Psychology – March/April 2022

We were very happy to welcome a new member to our fledgeling group in March and look forward to including further new people.

We met in a small group at the Swan Inn on the 18th March and discussed options for the future. For now, we shall focus on values and trust as defining human consciousness. We suggested Friday 22nd April at 3:15pm to discuss Moral Development. As a tentative future topic, we chose The Value of Life.

We will try to read up on this and bring back interesting ideas about various aspects of the current topic. We suggest that we each make a list of relevant questions based on what we have read or on our life experience. For example, have we ourselves noticed any personal moral development or noticed it in others? When was it shaped and what by? Do we still have moral dilemmas in our everyday life? etc.

We are looking forward to an interesting exchange.

Dana Dima, Convenor