Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Philosophy and Psychology – January/February 2022

With a reduced attendance, the first meeting of the Philosophy and Psychology group went ahead at the Swan Inn to talk about Transgender Issues. We had a guest speaker, Lisa Heatley, a psychotherapist who worked for many years at the West of England Gender Identity Clinic and helped understand the physical, psychological and sociological issues involved in transitioning. They affect the person as well as their spouse and are always traumatic. It is estimated that more than 1% of the general population are non-binary, most likely a lot more than are registered with the NHS.

We agreed that sexuality is really on a spectrum and individuals have hormones in different proportions, with very few situated in the middle of the scale. New research has established that there are anatomical differences in the brain of transgender people, therefore this is not an imagined condition. An issue that was also pointed out was that genuine dysphoria was usually mixed up with sexuality, especially by the LGBT+ activists, who are often playing a nefarious game that harms many in their own community.

We touched upon acceptance and how transgender issues are dealt with in other cultures, where such people are respected and even venerated, as they can sympathise and share experience with both sexes. In our western culture, transgender people are often victims of abuse, and there is a lot of controversy regarding shared spaces and medical assistance.

Looking at these issues from an ethical perspective, we assume that all people are equal, therefore should be treated equally. Education is removing some prejudice in the younger generations. Being right is a moral issue.

Our next meeting is at the same time on the 18th of February to discuss the concept of Beauty.

Dana Dima

Please note that the views expressed by the Philosophy and Psychology Group may not represent those of the wider Dawlish and District membership.