Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Philosophy and Psychology – December 2021

A few members recently met at the Swan Inn to decide whether this group, which attracted lots of interest on the Open Day, had a chance to get off the ground.

We are very interested to debate topics that affect us in our lives and for now, as the group is still small, we will keep the subjects of Psychology and Philosophy together, approaching the questions from two different perspectives.

We shall meet in the afternoon, on different days of the month, depending on availability. Our next meeting will be at the Swan Inn at 3:15pm on January 28th, which is not busy at that time of day, and where the rooms are large and pleasant. As we go along, we can choose other venues, although we would prefer quiet pubs and cafes.

Members are expected to do some research online or in books and prepare an argument or useful ideas on every topic. Topics will be suggested at each meeting for the following meeting. We have also proposed that guest speakers should be invited to help address some of the issues in the new year.

The topic under debate for this meeting is Transgender Issues: what gender means for the human condition, its role in society, and its psychological implications for different individuals.

We hope more members will join us and, as we grow, we might even split into separate subject groups.