Tuesday, July 16, 2024

November monthly meeting – Change of speaker

Unfortunately, the speaker for scheduled for our November meeting has had to pull out, but the good news is that at very short notice we have been able to find someone who promises to be a very interesting replacement.

Gray O’Hanlon will be speaking on the subject ‘It’s Up in the Air‘ about his career as an airline pilot.

Gray tells me that after university he served an engineering apprenticeship at Ford Motor Company.  Very quickly he realised their way of business was not for him.  He then applied and was selected for commercial pilot training.  He started with BEA, later BA.  He has flown dH Trident, Boeing 757, 767 and finally 777.  He enjoyed the last four of his 29 years on this type.

Gray says there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and promises to give everyone a chance to learn about the life of a pilot and air crew.

The meeting will be at the scheduled time of 3.45pm on Monday 21st November in the Council Chamber of the Manor House.

John Vick