Tuesday, July 16, 2024

New look website

Welcome to our brighter, fresher new website!  Designed to complement Dawlish and District U3A’s new logo, our Chairman, Graham Carey, explains the rationale for the new branding:

“A marketing sub group has been meeting over recent months to assess the way forward and how we could grow and be more efficient in telling the U3A story. This had led us to come up with a logo which as you may note focuses on people and not just a location.
Our old logo worked well to distinguish us as a Dawlish group and we have come a long way since then. So we wanted our new brand to reflect our culture and desire to constantly change and improve.
Last year, we went through a process of exploring our brand personality, defining our values and delving deep into the core of what makes the Dawlish and District U3A tick. We realised the need to transition and develop our U3A platform, which we’ve started to make a reality this year.
We are grateful for the advice given by David Pickton and one of his friends who helped us design the
new logo. You will in time see it on all that we produce and we will be having a launch of the new publicity materials at the beginning of this month’s meeting.
Hope you can make it and may we as members do our utmost to encourage others to participate in our activities.” (February 2020 newsletter)

We are extremely grateful to Angie Weatherhead of Weatherheads Web for all her hard work in updating and improving the Dawlish and District U3A website.

Any questions, updates or corrections should be addressed to the new webmasters by email to webmaster@u3a.dawlish.info.

Dave and Miggie Pickton

Webmasters, Dawlish and District U3A