Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Meeting up in lockdown: National U3A advice July 2020

As lockdown restrictions are easing nationally, Dawlish and District U3A is committed to keeping its members safe.  With this in mind, the Committee expect all U3A groups to continue to follow National U3A advice as outlined below.

Meeting Indoors

There is an ‘only two households’ restriction and therefore any U3A interest group meeting is not possible.

Meeting Outdoors
Meetings outside are possible in groups of up to six people from different households.
In doing so:

  • Follow strict distancing guidelines (2 metres apart but 1 metre where the risk can be mitigated by other precautions; avoid face to face contact)
  • Take hygiene precautions such as hand washing; use of sanitiser; and rules regarding use of tissues and containing sneezing.
  • Access private gardens externally when possible and if having to go through the house avoid touching surfaces and loitering.
  • Avoid using toilets in other peoples’ homes but if having to use, surfaces must be wiped down after every use.
  • After the meeting any surfaces touched and door handles must be wiped down.
  • Avoid sharing plates and utensils. People who are extremely clinically vulnerable and those over 70 should be especially careful and be diligent about social distancing and hand hygiene.

Risk Analysis

U3A guidance points out that although an activity may be managed so that it is deemed safe to restart, our members will need to consider separately if it is sensible to run the activity or take part.

They strongly advise that before any activity the Group Organiser completes a Risk Assessment and signs it.

Risk Assessment forms are available from the Dawlish and District U3A Secretary, Steve Angove, who is happy to help group convenors complete the form. Once signed these should be returned to Steve who will keep them on behalf of the Dawlish and District U3A Management Committee.