Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Keeping in Touch Scheme (KIT)

An opportunity to support each other

Many of our activities have unfortunately been brought to a halt for most of this year. Some groups have stayed active through the use of Zoom, emailing each other or, wherever possible, holding meetings whilst observing the guidelines on restricted numbers and social distancing. However, not all U3A members are in an interest group.

We’re aware that should there be another lockdown this winter, many of our members may feel isolated. This may happen anyway, perhaps because some are shielding, feel it’s risky to go out and about or are caring for people they live with.

We have contacted a number of members who aren’t in a specific group and some have expressed interest in keeping in touch with others via telephone for a general chat.

We’re suggesting that we organise a network to help people stay in touch with each other and are asking you to let us know whether you would want to participate in this scheme, whether you’re in an interest group or not.

You may volunteer to ring 2 or 3 people regularly – the frequency can be arranged between you – or you might wish to be contacted by a volunteer. We also welcome other ideas you may have for keeping in touch and supporting each other until we can get together again.

Could you please contact Anne Whitehead to let me know if you wish to take part in the KIT scheme in any capacity.  I can be reached by email via enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info.

I’d like to thank all those who gave me their time when I phoned them to see what they were up to (don’t’ worry, your secrets are safe with me…) and I hope you will let me know what you would like to see happen.

Best wishes to you all – Anne Whitehead