Tuesday, July 16, 2024

French Conversation – December 2021

The French Conversation Group has become a desired and popular group!

We have more Francophiles wanting to join than we can manage as we meet in each other’s houses or on zoom and realistically we can only accommodate 8 though we have 10 in the group and more on a waiting list. We have to hope that a couple of members don’t come!

There’s also a few at a more rusty or even beginner level who are keen to join a group. So we could do with another convenor.

We generally have a topic so people come prepared and this means everyone has a turn to speak. At our last meeting, which was November 18th, the topic was “What do we need to do to save our planet and reduce our carbon footprint and what are you, as an individual, doing?

Ideas included reducing food waste; growing your own vegetables; buying local and in season fruit and vegetables as well as buying “en vrac”, a new expression for me, it means loose (also in bulk); try to repair rather than throw away; buy things second hand; use recyclable paper for wrapping presents and more…

Our next meeting is December 2 when the topic is ”For what would you like to be famous?

We chat and play the occasional game as well as having a topic.

Bridie Cushion, Convenor