Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Devon u3a Quiz Championships

I am pleased to say that there are plans to resume the Devon u3a Quiz Competition.  It is being organised by the Ivybridge u3a.  It will take place from 2–4.30pm on Wednesday 15th February at Bittaford Village Hall.  We will be able to enter two teams of four members.  The entry charge is £10 per team to include refreshments.

The first part will consist of 40 questions on a variety of subjects, followed by answers.  At 3pm we will break for refreshment, after which we will have a further 40 questions followed by answers.  There will also be a Picture Tabletop Quiz which will be on teams’ tables throughout to do at each team’s leisure.

Unfortunately, our regular Quiz Master, Graham Carey cannot take part on that day, so I am happy to coordinate our entry.  If you would like to take part, please get in touch with me by emailing me on chairman@u3a.dawlish.info by Monday 6th February.  I am sure we can put in at least one team which will be able to put on a good show.  It should be good fun.

John Vick, D&D u3a Chair