Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dawlish & District u3a AGM 2022 – reminder

AGM Monday 19th September at 3.30pm POSTPONED 

Update: our AGM will now take place at 2:30pm on Monday 17th October in rooms 4a and 4b at the Manor House.

Our next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting at 3.30pm on Monday 19th September.  While some people may feel that AGMs are not often the most enthralling item in any organisation’s calendar of events, they fulfil an important function.  They provide an opportunity for all members to learn about what is happening, and to have input into our future direction.  The Committee works hard throughout the year on behalf of members, but this is the time when you can have your say.

It is, of course, the occasion when all the officers and members of the Committee are elected for the year ahead.  You have all had nomination forms to give you the chance to put yourself forward for election, or to nominate another member who you believe can contribute.

A healthy and vibrant organisation has new people coming forward to contribute their ideas, experience and energy, so I hope this will be the case in 2022-23.  As a matter of procedure, our constitution requires us to have 20% of the membership at an AGM for decisions to be valid, so this means a minimum of 30 members need to attend.  Please put this in your diary!

John Vick, Chair