Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dawlish Celebrates the Coronation – Refreshers Fair, Monday 8th May

Like most other communities across the country, Dawlish will be helping to mark the coronations of Charles and Camilla by holding an event to celebrate volunteering in all its guises.  Our u3a will be contributing to this Refreshers Fair by having a stand in the marquee on the Lawns from 11am to 5pm on Monday 8th May.  This will be an opportunity to show the public some of the activities we offer and perhaps attract some new members.

We will put together a small display about what we do but I am looking for a few members to volunteer to help ‘man’ the display throughout the day.  If a few members could do an hour or two each, probably in pairs, that would help the event to be a success.  The main requirement is just to chat to passers-by about what we do, and encourage anyone who shows interest to find out more.  Everything you need will be provided for you.

If you would be able to be involved, please let me know by emailing chairman@u3a.dawlish.info.  It should be fun to be part of this event – and as we are inside the marquee, we should all be comfortable too whatever the weather!

John Vick, Chair