Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dawlish and District u3a – help keep the website up to date

You may have noticed a certain amount of repetition between the Dawlish and District u3a newsletter and website.  This is because each time a new newsletter is circulated, the Webmasters make sure the pertinent information is also published on the website. Group news, the monthly talks, the calendar of events – all of these change regularly and we see it as a personal challenge to make sure the website is up to date.

You’ll gather from this that we rely on members and groups to share their news with the Newsletter editor, and to do so on a regular basis.  This is really important and we urge you to continue doing this.  Thank you.

However, if you notice any errors on the website, it would be really helpful if you could let the Webmasters know so we can correct them.  Additionally, if you have any group photos or other material that is unsuitable for the newsletter and you’d like us to share it on the website, please feel free to send it to us.

We can be contacted via enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info.

Dave and Miggie Pickton, Webmasters