Tuesday, July 16, 2024

AGM 2022 – Chair’s message

I was pleased to see such a good attendance at our AGM in October.  It is a good opportunity for members to learn more about what has been going on across the organisation, even in areas which would not normally directly affect them.  I hope those who were there found it interesting – and reassuring to know that our u3a is in good shape.  This is the result of a great deal of enthusiasm and commitment from our conveners, committee members and office holders, as well as the contributions of our members.

As is customary, full minutes of the meeting will be published before our next AGM, but in the meantime, you might like to know that David Wright has been elected to join the Committee.  I know David has a great deal to contribute.  Other officers and committee members have been re-elected, but Pete Thorogood has indicated that he wishes to step down from his position as Secretary in December, although he is pleased to continue as a committee member.

This leaves us in a familiar position.  For the past year and more, we have not fulfilled the rules of our constitution by not having a Vice Chair.  We have also had the bare minimum of six people serving on the Committee.  David Wright joining brings that up to seven but one or two more members would enable us to have a more reasonable distribution of roles.  The Committee hopes to co-opt others in the near future.  Please let me know via chairman@u3a.dawlish.info if you would like to be considered.

John Vick, Chair, Dawlish & District u3a