Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure group – Virtual Reality experience

The Adventure group is proud to announce its first virtual reality (VR) gaming experience!

In a VR game the player wears “a VR headset that provides stereoscopic displays that simulate three dimensional reality and create immersion for the player” (source).  You then interact virtually with the game you have chosen from the huge range of solo and multi-player experiences.  These range from shooting games, escape rooms and riding roller coasters to touring the world or exploring under the sea or in space. Something for everyone!

Here is everything you need to know:

Nature of activity Virtual Reality gaming experience with a choice of up to forty different VR games
Name of u3a organiser and organiser’s contact details Deborah Wallis, email via: adventure@u3a.dawlish.info
Location of activity The VRVE
Pound House, Matford Barton, 12 Dawlish Road, Exeter EX2 8XW
Date and start time Friday 21st April, 2pm – 4pm and
Thursday 27th April 10.15am – 12.15pm
Duration Approximately 2 hours
Cost £20 per person (subject to minimum group size of 8 people)
Cost includes Each person to have use of a VR headset and choice of up to forty different VR experiences, both solo and multi player.
Players can freely switch between different games. Tuition given at start and support throughout.Two hour party booking for maximum of 12 people with everyone in VR simultaneously in solo or multiplayer experiences. Two studio hosts to assist everyone.
Terms and conditions Important: The VRVE require players to read and understand their disclaimer here.
Deadline for payment The full cost per person to be paid to Dawlish and District u3a Treasurer by Thursday 13th April.

Bank details are as follows:

Name of bank: NatWest
Name of Account: Dawlish & District u3a
Sort code: 52-30-22
Account No: 34078967
Reference: Adventure

If you are paying by cheque please ensure your cheque is with the treasurer before the deadline date above.

Cancellation policy Because this is booked as a group activity, it may not be possible to give a refund if an individual has to cancel, especially at late notice.  Please contact Deborah as soon as possible if you are unable to attend and she will contact VRVE on your behalf.
Procedure for notifying group if provider cancels In the event of cancellation I will send an email to all those who have booked and update the details on the website.  Please check the website on the morning of the activity in case of last minute cancellation.
Level of fitness required or any particular skills (you must satisfy yourself that you are physically able to participate in the activity). No specific requirements but to make the most of the activity you can expect to be on your feet for most of the time.
Personal medical conditions There are a number of medical conditions which may have an impact on your ability to participate. Please see the disclaimer for further information.

If you have any other medical conditions that might affect your ability to participate then you should declare this to VRVE staff on arrival.

u3a Disclaimer Please note that whilst the u3a organisers are concerned for everyone’s welfare, by taking part in this activity you should recognise that your safety is your own responsibility.
Appropriate footwear & clothing VRVE state: “Please wear comfortable clothing as our experiences can be quite active! We ask everyone to remove their shoes before stepping on our soft floor, so please come wearing socks too!”

“The headset is designed to work perfectly with all types of glasses and due to the way the optics work, most find they don’t need to wear them at all!”

Storage of personal belongings Our group will have sole use of the studio and any personal belongings can be left at the side. There are coat hooks. Participants to be advised not to take anything other than essentials with them.
Toilet / refreshment facilities There are toilets but no refreshment facilities.  You may wish to take a water bottle with you.
Meeting point In the VRVE car park.
Public transport and car parking facilities VRVE state: “Please arrive no more than 5 minutes in advance of your booking time. We do not have a waiting area, so you’ll have to wait in your car if you arrive any earlier. Our car parking is free and there’s plenty of space for up to 6 cars.”

The venue is not easily accessed by public transport so it would be good to share cars. Please let me know if you are willing to drive or will need a lift as we may need to bear this in mind when allocating the sessions.

COVID-19 VRVE state: “Our primary measure is to space out our sessions more and we are now only accepting private hire. So we have plenty of time to air out and clean between sessions and there is only your group and our host in the studio at once.
We’re also asking everyone to wash their hands before entering and for private hire, wearing a mask is optional. Finally, besides our main headset, everyone will use a separate headset and if requested, our studio host will also wear a mask. Please note due to our Coronavirus measures, we may call to adjust timings or rearrange bookings made less than a week in advance.”
Risk assessment A risk assessment has been conducted for this activity.  It is recommended that you read this.  Please find it here.

Any questions?  Just get in touch via email: adventure@u3a.dawlish.info.

Last updated 28/03/23