Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure Group starring in a u3a film

The Adventure group was thrilled to take part in a film being produced by National u3a. We were approached by Eleanor Mair, u3a’s Communication Officer, who described the film’s aim as ‘promoting the u3a, encouraging recruitment, driving traffic to the website and promoting the u3a’s fortieth anniversary’. She felt our group fit well with the intended messages of positive aging, wellbeing in later life, new experiences and learning together.

The film is being made by Natasha Jarvis and will feature members from four different u3as telling their own stories and their relationships with the u3a weaved into footage from each.

We were requested to re-enact our kayaking trip from Exeter Quays, led again by Nils Mueller from Kayakhub. Six members took part on the chilly trip along the canal. We were escorted by Nils, canoeing, and Natasha, filming. On arriving at our destination, the Double Locks pub, we enjoyed hot chocolate drinks (with plenty of whipped cream) while Natasha interviewed one of us for the film. It was dusk by the time we returned to the Quays, a little cold but, without doubt, it was another enjoyable adventure.

David Pickton

Lucky with the weather (again)
On our knees, preparing for the low bridge
Negotiating the low bridge, limbo-style…
…and face to the floor!
Enjoying a drink of hot chocolate at the half way point.
… still trying …
Attempting to line up for the camera …
…and we made it!

Photo credits: Nils Mueller, Kayakhub (all except the drinking photo) and Miggie Pickton