Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure group – Second town quiz and scavenger hunt

Following on from the success of last year’s inaugural event, the Adventure Group is planning another walking quiz and scavenger hunt in Dawlish.  The quiz is open to all members of Dawlish & District u3a and particpants can take part individually or in small groups.

Here are the details:

Nature of activity Town Quiz and Scavenger Hunt
Name of u3a organiser and organiser’s contact details Deborah Wallis, email via: adventure@u3a.dawlish.info
Location of activity Around Dawlish town centre.
Date and start time Tuesday 22nd August, starting between 10:30am and 11:15am 
Arrive at any time during this window so that starts can be staggered. Finishing at the Brunswick Arms after 1 to 2 hours.  Your start time will be recorded by the organisers.
Starting point The Bandstand, The Lawn, Dawlish.
Finishing point The Brunswick Arms, 10 Brunswick Place, Dawlish.
Duration 1 to 2 hours
Cost, including deposit required £1 per person for entry plus extra money for refreshments at the Brunswick if you wish to join the group there at the end.
Cost includes Printed quiz sheet (one per person) and contribution towards prize(s).
Provision of equipment The quiz sheet is provided.

You should bring your own pen or pencil and (if possible) a clipboard.

Deadline for commitment An indication of numbers attending is requested by Saturday 19th August to enable a suitable number of quiz sheets to be printed but we should be able to accommodate extras turning up on the day.
How and when to pay Please bring cash on the day.
Cancellation policy The event will go ahead even if the weather is wet. Participants are advised to dress appropriately and bring an umbrella if necessary.
Procedure for notifying group if provider cancels If there are extreme circumstances necessitating cancellation or postponement then this will be notified on the website so please check before leaving home.
Level of fitness required or any particular skills (you must satisfy yourself that you are physically able to participate in the activity). Ability to walk for up to two hours on various surfaces (mostly pavements) whilst searching for answers.
Personal medical conditions If you have any medical conditions that might affect your ability to complete the quiz and scavenger hunt then you should declare this to the organisers on arrival.
Disclaimer Please note that whilst the u3a organisers are concerned for everyone’s welfare, by taking part in this activity you should recognise that your safety is your own responsibility.
Appropriate footwear & clothing Weather-suitable everyday clothing, including a hat and sunscreen;  comfortable walking shoes or boots.
Toilet / refreshment facilities Public toilets can be found in the main public car park and near the traffic lights.
Refreshments are available at the Brunswick Arms and in many local cafes.
Public transport and car parking facilities Car parking is available on street and in the town’s two car parks.
Risk assessment A risk assessment has been conducted. It is available here. It is our view that participants will take responsibility for their own safety as is normal when walking round the town centre.

All quiz answers will be visible when standing at ground level in a safe place

Any questions?  Just get in touch via email: adventure@u3a.dawlish.info.

Last updated 14/08/2023