Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure group Meeting – 5th January 2024 10am

The next meeting of the Adventure group will be Friday 5th January 2024 at 10am in the Mayor’s Parlour, The Manor House, Dawlish.  Please save this date in your diary.

At the meeting we will be discussing, selecting and voting on the group’s activities for 2024.

All group members are welcome to attend.  Please let Miggie know via adventure@u3a.dawlish.info if you hope to be there so she can make the necessary arrangements.

In order that we have an interesting selection of activities to consider, I invite all group members to send in their ideas for future adventures. As they come in, these will be added to the list below and the list will form the basis for our discussions.

Please note that the providers/venues shown above are examples only; other options may be available.

When you send in your ideas it would be helpful if you could refer us to a website for any provider you may have in mind (but don’t worry if you don’t know of any, we still want to receive your suggestions).

Also, we have had a lot of new members since we started two years ago so it may be time to repeat some of our earlier adventures.  Feel free to suggest those too.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Last updated 04/01/2023