Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure Group meeting 17th February 2023

In the middle of a soggy cold winter, what every keen adventurer needs is an adventure to look forward to!  So we’re having a meeting to choose our next few adventures.

The details of our meeting are as follows:

Venue: Mayor’s Parlour at the Manor House, Old Town Street, Dawlish EX7 9AP. (Note: Old Town Street is currently closed to traffic to the east of the Manor House.  It is still possible to drive there from the Church St/Swan Inn end of the road.)

Date: Friday 17th February

Time: 3pm to 4pm

Cost: This time there will be no charge to members for the room but if you wish to make a donation for refreshments that would be fine and dandy.

Agenda: see below

What you need to do next:

All Adventure Group members are welcome to attend but it would be very helpful if you let me know by Thursday 9th February if you plan to come so I can let the Manor House know for the purposes of laying out chairs and providing crockery etc for our refreshments.

If you are not able to come to the meeting then please feel free to let me know your preferred activities from the list below so I can include your votes in the meeting.

If anyone has any other suggestions for future adventures then let me know and I’ll add them to the agenda for discussion at the meeting and include them in the list below.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Manor House.

Miggie Pickton, Convenor

Contact me via adventure@u3a.dawlish.info.


We don’t have a very formal agenda but the main item will be to discuss and select the activities for our next few adventures.

These are some of the suggestions that have been made so far:

Suggestions sent in by group members since the last meeting:

Popular activities voted for at the last meeting but not yet done (some are better done in summer):

  • Abseiling
  • Caving
  • Clued Upp games
  • Forest/outdoor skills
  • Go Karts
  • Paintballing
  • Pony trekking
  • Sea kayaking
  • Stand up paddleboarding
  • Virtual reality games
  • Walking with llamas
  • White water rafting

Requests for repeats:

  • Archery
  • Kayaking
  • Line dancing
  • Quad biking
  • RIB ride
  • Segwaying
  • Shooting
  • Tobogganing

(List last updated 17/02/23)

The secondary item is to appoint another convenor for the group. Ann has decided that she is unable to carry on as co-convenor. I am very grateful to Ann for all her hard work at organising some exciting adventures. Thank you Ann.

I intend to carry on as convenor (if you’ll have me!) but would be very happy if one or more group members would join me in running the group.  If you’d like to know more about what this might entail then just contact me via adventure@u3a.dawlish.info.

In addition there will be an opportunity to chat with other Adventure group members and see some photos of our past activities.