Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure Group – meeting 13th May

Many thanks to all of those who came along to our meeting on Friday and thank you to Ann for chairing the meeting.

For those who weren’t there, the group spent most of the time discussing which adventures we might have next.  There was a general consensus that, in principle, we would like to include some less expensive activities but when it came to the vote, our members were definitely favouring the more extravagant options!

In order of votes, these are the preferred activities for the next few months:

  1. Archery
  2. White water rafting
  3. Toboganning (dry slope)
  4. Go karting
  5. RIB ride
  6. Caving
  7. Sequence or line dancing

Ann and I have yet to investigate the availability or cost of these but this list gives us a starting point for our next adventures.  If anybody has further suggestions for activities that are easier on the budget then please do let us know.  Remember, the aim of the group is to try out new things, they don’t all have to be extreme!

Having sorted that out, Ann reminded us that she has been researching the proposed group trip to the Manor House Hotel at Okehampton.  Together with its sister Ashbury Hotel, the Manor House claims to be the UK’s leading leisure, craft spa, golf and sports resort.  I recommend that you take a look at their website to see the full range of what’s on offer and make a note in your diary of our proposed trip dates of 7th to 9th November.  Ann will be in touch when she has further details,

Finally, Tony gave a plug for the Slow Ways scheme – a plan to create “a network of walking routes that connect all of Great Britain’s towns and cities”.  If you would like to join Tony in putting south Devon on this map then either contact him directly or via adventure@u3a.dawlish.info and we will forward your email.