Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure group – climbing

All you need to know about our forthcoming trip to the Quay Climbing Centre in Exeter:

Nature of activity Climbing wall
Name of u3a organiser and organiser’s contact details Ann, email via: adventure@u3a.dawlish.info
Location of activity Quay Climbing Centre
Haven Banks
The Quay
Date and start time 3rd March at 10:30am
Duration Approx 1 hour
Cost Depends on numbers but likely to be no more than £25
Cost includes Services of up to three instructors (depending on numbers), instruction and equipment.
Deadline for commitment To book a place please contact Ann via adventure@u3a.dawlish.info by 5pm on Friday 11th February so she can calculate and confirm the final cost.
Payment to u3a (see below) will be needed by 5pm on Thursday 17th February.
Deadline for payment in full Full payment to be paid to Dawlish and District u3a Treasurer by 17th February 2022.

Bank details are as follows:

Name of bank: NatWest
Name of Account: Dawlish and District U3A
Sort code: 52-30-22
Account No: 34078967
Reference: Your name

Cancellation policy Because this is a group booking with the cost shared between participants, once you have booked your place (by 11th February) cancellation will not be possible unless you can find someone to take your place.
Procedure for notifying group if provider cancels In the event of cancellation Ann will send an email to all those who have booked and update the details on the website.  Please check the website on the morning of the activity in case of last minute cancellation.
Level of fitness required or any particular skills (you must satisfy yourself that you are physically able to participate in the activity). You should be confident in balancing and heights, gripping with your hands and able to support your bodyweight using your arms and legs.
You will be belayed by an intructor or another climber so if you slip you will fall just a few feet before being caught by the safety rope.
Personal medical conditions If you have any medical conditions that might affect your ability to participate then you should declare this to Climbing Centre staff on arrival.
Disclaimer Quay Climbing Centre require climbers to read their terms and conditions and complete an online registration form, ideally before the visit.  Both are available on this page.

Please note that whilst the u3a organisers are concerned for everyone’s welfare, by taking part in this activity you should recognise that your safety is your own responsibility.

Appropriate footwear & clothing Clothing should allow movement and not flap about.  Footwear must have a good grip.  Climbing shoes can be rented if preferred (at additional cost).

You should arrive dressed ready to climb.

Face masks should be worn.

Equipment provided Harnesses and belay ropes.

We are advised not to bring any valuables but lockers are available (take your own padlock).

Toilet / refreshment facilities There are toilets and a cafe on site.
Meeting point We will meet at the entrance to the Climbing Centre at 10:30am, ready for pre-climb preparation.
Public transport and car parking facilities Exeter St Thomas railway station is about a half mile walk away from the Climbing Centre or car parking is available for £3 all day at the overflow car park at the back of Michael Browning Way (a 2 min walk to the Centre from here).

If you need a lift to the venue or are able to offer one then please get in touch with the organiser.

COVID-19 Please see how Quay Climbing Centre are responding to COVID-19 here.

Participants should follow government guidelines in travelling to the activity; maintaining physical distance; wearing face coverings and avoiding sharing food, drink and equipment.  It is recommended that you bring your own hand sanitiser.

Risk assessment A risk assessment has been conducted for this activity. It is recommended that you read this.  Please find it here.

Any questions?  Just get in touch via email: adventure@u3a.dawlish.info.

Last updated 01/02/22