Tuesday, July 16, 2024

About David Pickton

At our next meeting on Monday 16th October, our guest speaker, David Pickton, will answer the question, “What has Marketing done for us?”. He’ll tell us a little more about what marketing is: how important it is in our lives, how it affects our behaviour, how marketers get to know more about us and, interestingly, he’ll tell us where Santa Claus really comes from. He’ll invite us to wander down memory lane in a marketing quiz and pose the questions, “Does marketing actually work and if it does, is it a good or bad thing?”.

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without marketing? Why not come along and ask David? 

David has been involved in marketing throughout his working life; he’s now retired. He’s worked in the public and private sectors, but most of his career has been spent in marketing education, becoming a founding member, and subsequently Head, of what grew into one of the largest university marketing departments in the UK. He has provided marketing training and education to students, management executives and small businesses in the UK and overseas; he has been on the editorial boards of a number of business journals; is the author of two marketing textbooks and many journal papers. He was awarded Fellowships of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, the Higher Education Academy, the Royal Society of Arts and is Honorary Academic Fellow of De Montfort University.