Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Discussion Group – May/June 2024

With three apologies, we held our May meeting on Parenting. It was an exciting topic for all and we touched on family and education matters, as well as on moving personal histories.

We are influenced by our parents (or absence of) and other role models offered to us in childhood and we try to emulate or avoid such models when becoming parents ourselves. Our society is changing and children have to adapt to new circumstances for which we ourselves are not prepared and which we often tend to criticise. We also talked about food and lifestyle choices, on diminishing attention span and its possible causes, and also about the influence of peer pressure and the Influencers, especially on teenagers.

Our next meeting, therefore, will focus on the Generation Gap and it will be held on 12 June, when we are looking forward to welcoming new members as well.

Dana Dima, Convenor