Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Boules – March/April 2024

The Boules Group, which plays in the Strand Hall only throughout the winter months, just to keep our eye in, are now changing our dates and venues starting in April.

We shall continue to meet in the Strand Hall once a month on the first Wednesday, starting with 3rd April. Then we shall meet on the Lawn by the bandstand on the second Friday of each month beginning with 12th April, and then on the fourth Wednesday, 24th April we shall travel to Exminster where the Deepway Lane playing fields have a purpose made boules terrain. All dates have 10.30 a m start, and we have always managed car shares to travel to Exminster, although you can get there by bus as well.

Everyone is welcome, no equipment or experience is required, there is normally a small charge for playing indoors in the Strand Centre only. Do come and join us.

Michael Heyden, Convenor